Vegan Cheese/Protein- Sunday February 21st 2016 -5th

32 people attended, 30 of whom stayed for the sampling and some extensive fellowship. S. demonstrated Vegan Cheddar Cheese, and Quinoa Salad. Both were easy to make and tasty. C. revealed the secrets of Soy Feta making, encouraged all to work at the Feta patiently, & shared her previously marinated chunks whole, & in a traditional Greek salad made with tomatoes and cucumbers. G/E. shared her Hard Pimento Cheese recipe, which looked like hard cheddar but tasted better flecked colourfully with bit of cut up pimento. L. made Tomato Millet Loaf,  & Brazil Nut Cashew Loaf, super simple & quick recipes. L. then taught us how to read product labels, and organic garbanzo bean cans, bags of organic corn, peas, hemp hearts, chia seed, brown rice flour and coconut oil were handed out. Our guests their read out the Nutrition Facts labels on each of these products, and we decided collectively whether they were good products nutritionally based on their RDAs, or not. L. then demonstrated Vegetable Pot Pie a more complicated recipe ( for those special occasions or people in your life)- both the filling, & a brown rice and coconut oil shortbread like upper crust. Some of the advantages of baking/cooking in a convection over were highlighted. Added to the demonstration recipes were purple cabbage coleslaw contributed by F., rice contributed by C., avocado contributed by A., soya cream contributed by R.& gluten-nut burgers contributed by Ll.The “vegan cheese/vegan protein” session was voted a success by our guests.


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